Message from Principal 2024-25

As we embark on this new term, we wish to express our gratitude for the contributions of our former School Supervisor, Rev. Devos Pierre, who has returned to his homeland for retirement. His parting words still resonate strongly with us: "Don't be afraid, remain focused, and believe that the Lord is with you in all and at any time." As we turn this new page, we warmly welcome our new School Supervisor, Mr. Kwok Ho Ting. With the strong collaboration and teamwork of the IMC school managers, Shun Lee is poised to achieve even greater success.

Appreciation is also owed to everyone involved in the External School Review (ESR) conducted during the last academic year, where the external reviewers provided encouraging and constructive feedback about our school. Heartfelt thanks go to our dedicated teaching staff, whose commitment to excellence in education and genuine care for our students is truly commendable. They have played a vital role in nurturing our students' servant leadership both inside and outside the classroom. The ESR Team recognized our students' strong learning habits and high motivation to excel. Additionally, our students' eagerness to serve the community and their active participation in social services reflect the values we strive to instill. These accolades inspire our team to continue our journey from good to great!

Our new three-year School Development Cycle this year aims to optimize self-regulated learning to nurture students into proactive learners and foster positive values and well-being. To achieve these, we are planning to incorporate Artificial Intelligence to enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching. Physical, mental, and social health will be prioritized through initiatives such as participation in the 4Rs Mental Health Charter, meditation sessions before afternoon lessons and the implementation of the MVPA60 programme. This new School Development Plan cannot succeed without the support of teachers, students, and parents.

"Thanksgiving" is the key virtue at Shun Lee this academic year. We believe that cultivating an attitude of gratitude fosters a positive and supportive school atmosphere. By encouraging students and staff to express appreciation for one another, we can strengthen our community bonds and enhance collaboration. This spirit of thanksgiving not only deepens our relationships but also inspires kindness and the heart of serving others, allowing us all to grow together as compassionate individuals. Let us strive to embody the words of God:

"Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances." (Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Thank you. May God Bless You All!

Lee Yuen Ping Yoshie
